Hard Road Theatre announces auditions for their upcoming winter production, DRINKING HABITS, directed by Tom Varner. DRINKING HABITS is a “divinely” inspired comedy full of wild accusations, mistaken identities, and sweet romances. Two nuns at the Sisters of the Perpetual Sewing have been secretly making wine to keep the convent’s doors open, but reporters Paul and Sally (also former fiancées) are hot on their trail. They go undercover as a nun and a priest, but the their presence, combined with the addition of a new nun, spurs paranoia throughout the convent that spies sent from Rome have arrived to shut them down. Secrets and wine are inevitably spilled as everyone tries to preserve the convent and reconnect with lost loves. DRINKING HABITS has a cast consisting of five women and three men. Auditions will be held on Monday, November 17th and Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Weinheimer Community Center, 1100 Main St., Highland, IL. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Anyone who prepares a monologue ahead of time will be allowed to perform it. Those auditioning should be aware of any conflicts they have from Nov. 19, 2014 – Feb. 1, 2015. Performances of the play will be Jan. 23-25, 30-31, 2015. If you have any questions about the show or would like to audition but are unable to do so during the audition dates, please contact the director, Tom Varner at 618-780-4444.

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