South Pacific AuditionSponsored by TheBANK of Edwardsville, Hard Road Theatre Productions and the Highland Community Chorus will present a special one-night only Event Presentation of South Pacific-In Concert on Thursday, March 19, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Highland KC Hall. This event will include catered hors d’oeuvres and special recognition of our military and veterans. Most of the roles for this show have already been cast. However, the director is looking for two children, one boy and one girl ages 8-12, to play the roles of Jerome and Ngana.

There will be a special children’s audition for these roles THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 16th from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Highland Elementary School, 1800 Lindenthal Ave., Highland, IL. Auditions will consist of an a cappella singing of the song “Dites Moi” and a possible interview with the director. Links to the sheet music for “Dites Moi” can be found below. Also, please listen to the YouTube video at the bottom of this post to hear the song. Please note, there will be NO accompaniment provided or allowed: children will be expected to sing the song a cappella.

If you have any questions about this special audition or have children who are interested in auditioning, but will be unable to attend the audition this Friday, please contact the director, Evan Fifer, at 217-556-6399 or via email at